I love technology, until it stops working.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It just took me SIX attempts to turn on my laptop. The wretched black plastic beast almost had me in tears.
I've only had it nine years. According to my oiks, that is old for a laptop. I've got spices in the cupboard older than that.
I dug out my old dinosaur laptop that is even older and began signing into everything I can think of, and updating the bastard thing until the underside of it smelled of burning. But at least one of them might let me keep working until I can afford a new one.
When we were kids, tech was so simple. I had a Commodore 64 PC. It plugged into my black and white TV, and had a tape player where you could pop a tape in, wait 30 mins for it to load while eating your dinner, and then play a game with a one-button joystick.
I even read the instruction book that helpfully taught us how to make our names flash on a blank screen.
It was glorious.
Then along came the Internet and now none of us can live without it. Phones buzzing constantly. Apps that tell us when to eat, sleep, exercise and shit. Computer fans that heat the house up more than the radiators do. Wifi connected games consoles on which the kids watch other gamers play games. We can't even listen to the radio anymore without a blasted Internet connection to it.
Whatever happened to reading a book or spending time in nature? I get the irony, as I write this post onto the Internet.
But, after today's panic, I need to spend less time on technology, and more time in the real world
Today’s Sub Stats:
Oh noooooo! I dropped a subscriber. I wonder if that results from my going missing in action for a few days?
Or because I moved from my old profile to a new one. Maybe they didn’t want to be following me twice? Or only wanted to read my dog posts over at www.freyavlocke.com ?
I guess it is normal to lose the odd person from time to time.
Catch you all soon, if my laptops survive.
F x