I was always drawn to the magical side, even as a child, and have a strong belief in many metaphysical, animist and spiritual ideas that we do not yet understand.
My paternal Nan, who I grew up very close to, came from a very sixth sensey family, who often “knew things” and some were practising spiritualists and tea leaf readers.
Old country villages often had their “wise women” or “cunning folk,” who villagers would turn to for guidance and comfort when the church didn’t quite cut it, and they passed on their witchy ways to younger members of the family, both in genes and in teachings.
Call me a witch
Some things, previously called witchcraft we now take for granted every day. Think of:
Blowing out a birthday candle and making a wish!
Or using aromathery oils in our baths for relaxing.
Or a tinture of honey and lemon for a cold.
Having an animal, like a cat, live in your home with you because they keep you company and give you someone to talk to.
A horseshoe hanging in your house for good luck.
Saluting magpies and other superstitions.
All things in the past that would have seen you drowned for being a witch.
Some things are even now proven by science.
Reading my tarot cards
As such, I class myself as a bit of a hedgewitch. In my witchy practice, I do enjoy the odd spot of divination with my tarot cards.
My cards are nothing fancy, just a pack of Rider Waite that I picked up years ago. You can get all kinds of beautiful designs and imagery, but I find my pack to be more than adequate for my needs.
In fact, they have never let me down and told me all sorts of things. I find them to be quite accurate.
Of course I realise, like with all things, tarot can be open to interpretation, is not for everyone and that I should always consider the big picture when making life choices. But it does seem to guide me in the right direction.
Like the time when I was a teenager and they told me my then boyfriend was a wrong'un and suggested the law. Sure enough a few weeks later, he got nicked by the police running down the High Street with a stolen microwave.
Or when they told me my children would be a small dark haired girl, then a bigger, fairer boy, and that they would have some problems but would be OK. Both my kids are Autistic with various other needs amd fit those descriptions.
So I asked my cards today “Will I be a successful writer, and if so - how?”.
I shuffled my pack and drew three cards, one each for past, present and future. This is just a method I use for quick questions rather than doing a full and complicated spread.
My answers
I got:
Past - Wheel of Fortune.
This card tells of the ebb and flow of success and struggle. Of abundance and lack. Of luck and hard times. So that is fairly accurate, my writing career so far has been up and down more times than a yo-yo.
Present - Seven of Wands.
The seven of wands has on the card a person, holding one wand, while beating back six more with it. He is still standing, and he is slowly winning. This card tells me I am in the thick of it, battling away with others in my field, and with my own imposter syndrome, trying to get some eyes on my work. But with bravery and strength I'm in with a good chance.
Future - The Hermit.
The Hermit tells us to be reflective and prudent. He warns of treachery and keeps us on our guard from the outside world. He also tells us to take some time out to consolidate our thoughts. Maybe he is letting me know its OK to be alone with my writing at times too, instead of always trying to fit it in around a busy family. Maybe I need to create proper writing time in my day.
All in all, I think this sounds pretty positive. I've had my ups and downs with writing. My blogs of years past spring to mind, doomed to obsurity and written dreadfully - then the highs of publishing my first book, and finally becoming a paid writer and author. Keep my courage and keep going. Ignore my imagined competitors, critics, and my self sabotaging demons. Make time to write without distraction as part of my routine.
And watch out for treacherous little toads that might throw a spanner in the works.
Do you believe in magick and divination?
What does your belief system look like? Maybe you can read cards, crystal balls or tea leaves, or even indulge in cloud scrying, as I do?
Or maybe you think it's all a crock of poop?
Do you find having a bit of guidance from a deck of cards to be a comfort?
I know I do.
Today's Sub Stats:
Every time I post here I publish my stats so you can see how an ordinary person can build a Substack from scratch. I hope it gives someone the encouragement to start their own writing or fulfil their passion in some way.